
BACKGROUND: The pesticide use is one of the agriculture intensifications which have advantages in production but given the negative impact on health like pesticide toxicity. The pesticide usage that improper and not accordance with the procedure is in line with the number of toxicity among farmers.
 AIM: This study aimed to analyze the determinants of unsafe behavior in pesticide usage among horticulture farmers at Sumber Mufakat village.
 METHODS: This research used a mixed-method with 505 farmers as population. The quantitative and qualitative data given from 83 horticulture farmer as sample size and reached by simple random sampling technique. The sample is distributed representative on nine hamlets that divided into two main areas Sumbul and Berhala. Data collected by in-depth interview and focus group discussion based on behavioral determinants according to predisposing factor, enabling factor, and reinforcing factor. The qualitative data were analyzed in the domain of Lawrence Green’s concept and quantitatively analyzed using the Chi-square test.
 RESULTS: The results found that the predisposing factors of knowledge, attitude, habit, culture, and social status are significance with unsafe behavior although some farmers show the negative action that not suitable with the attitude. There is a significant association between enabling factor in available of personal protection equipment and pesticides, working tools, and health facilities with unsafe behavior. Even though the farmers rarely being used the health facilities cause using traditional medicine to treat their symptoms of toxicity. The reinforcing factor such as supporting of the community leader, partner, and stakeholders has significantly associated with unsafe behavior even though the observations showed the lack of socialization and supervision in pesticide usage.
 CONCLUSION: It concluded that unsafe behavior in pesticide use caused by the lack of knowledge of farmers, the lack of supervision, and support from related parties. Farmers have their own decisions on pesticide use and no sustain supervision among the farmer. It recommended to empowering the community to increase the collaboration between farmers and government with the same vision to solve the toxicity of pesticide risk in social movement formed.

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