
Pneumonia is one of the main causes of under-five mortality in Indonesia. In under-fives, pneumoniais the number one killer in the world. Meanwhile, in Indonesia, it ranks second after diarrhea. Onaverage, the disease affects half a million children a year. This study aims to identify and analyze therisk of variables that affect the number of under-five mortality due to pneumonia in Indonesia in 2021.The novelty of this research focuses on the macro variables used, making it easier for policy makers tomake decisions. The research method used is negative binomial regression. The results showed that thehighest number of under-five mortality due to pneumonia was in Central Java Province. Meanwhile, thelowest was in Jambi Province, South Sumatra, Riau Islands, DKI Jakarta, North Kalimantan, SoutheastSulawesi, and Papua. The per capita income significantly reduces the number of under-five mortalitydue to pneumonia, while the number of under-fives with severe pneumonia significantly reduces thenumber of under-five mortality due to pneumonia in Indonesia. The government needs attention toreduce the death rate of children under five due to pneumonia by providing social protection in thefields of health and education for underprivileged communities.

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