
 In Kenya, the electric power supply is significantly insufficient and covers a mere 20% of the population. Experience has shown that past electric power projects have not realized the expectations in terms of their implementation and quality at entry. This study was undertaken to determine the factors that influence timely completion of power projects within Thika region. These factors were assessed from various project levels; ranging from formulation of project plans, execution, monitoring and evaluation, and closure. The factors responsible for each situation were then identified and analyzed. Research findings were based on this analysis. Descriptive and exploratory research designs were adopted. The target population was project engineers, supervisors and technical staff working in projects. The information pertaining to monitoring and evaluation came from the representatives of project financiers who included Kenya Power and Lighting Company (KPLC) staff and other reliable stakeholders. This information motivated the coverage of all the concerns in different phases of the projects.Simple random sampling was employed to identify the key informants, who were grouped based on common characteristics. Questionnaires, interviews and observation check lists were used to collect data from various respondents based on their suitability. The data collected was then coded and analyzed using SPSS. Measures of central tendency and correlation analysis were used to establish an interaction between the independent and dependent variables. Procurement delays, timely availability of funds and climatic factors were observed to be the main factors that influenced the timely completion of KPLC projects in the studied area.

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