
Aims: This article seeks to evaluate the determinants or factors that contribute to the success of Farmer Organizations and their sustainability.
 Study Design: The research method was based on field surveys.
 Duration of Study: The study was carried out between August 2018 and October 2019.
 Methodology: Sample: Data was collected through face-to-face interviews and 299 respondents (255 Farmer organisations members, and 44 community members) were selected using the multi-stage cluster and purposive sampling techniques. Data from the study was analysed using descriptive statistics.
 Results: Results revealed that the main problems witnessed by Farmer Organisations which slow down their growth include capital accumulation (86.4%), unavailability of loan (79.5%), and lack of skilled personnel (65.9%) and high illiteracy level of members (43.2%). While mismanagement of group funds by leaders (13.6%), government interference (29.5%), was of low impact. Factors that contribute to the success and sustainability of farmer organisation among others are good group leadership skills (90.2%) members, meeting the needs of the members (84.3%), assist in community development (58.8%) other factors include origin of group, assistance, communication and members involvement in decision making, membership participation, guiding principles and regulations, type of activity and profitability.
 Conclusion: For farmer organizations to be successful and sustainable government agencies and NGOs in the sector should help the farmer organizations by providing financial assistance, farm inputs and seeds, provide post harvest infrastructures, regular extension services and the Farmer organizations should be market and advocacy oriented.

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