
The article examines the causes and conditions that determine the occurrence of domestic crime from the standpoint of dualistic and dialectical approaches. According to the dualistic approach, the determinants were considered by content: socio-economic, political, psychological, educational, geographical, spiritual, situational-victimological, normative-legal. By level of distribution: at the macro-, micro- and individual levels. By duration of action: short-term, medium-term, long-term. Based on the dialectical approach, the definition of the causes and conditions of domestic crime is proposed and a list of them is provided. Thus, the reasons for committing domestic crime include: the personality of the criminal; criminogenic deformation of social consciousness; mental disorders; jealousy; priority of material needs over spiritual values, social inequality, devaluation of the partner; legal and moral nihilism; refutation of the importance of the institution of the family; mentality; depressive states; abuse of alcohol on narcotic substances; difference in interests, life orientations and aspirations of spouses, incompatibility of partners; the difference in the worldview of the couple; shortcomings in the work of the police, reluctance to participate in the resolution of family conflicts; a serious illness and its consequences in one of the spouses, the spread of the cult of violence through television, the Internet; bad upbringing or its absence, a disappointing example of parents, in families where domestic crime takes place; weakening the influence of religion. The conditions are divided into: subjective (unfavorable family environment in which family violence prevails and which serves as a primary center for a future offender; defects in family upbringing; spoiling children from disadvantaged families at the stage of personality formation) and objective (poverty, lack of normal conditions of existence, stratification of society, weakening of the family institution, devaluation of the role of women, cultivation of violence through the Internet, video games); necessary and sufficient, accompanying conditions are also highlighted.

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