
Chips agroindustry is one of the potential businesses to be developed in Central Aceh Regency, but its development efforts are still faced with various obstacles, including; policy development has notbeen carried out in an integrated and focused manner. The demand for banana chips in Pegasing District is influenced by four factors, namely the price of banana chips, the price of cassava chips, income, and the number of dependents. Based on the results of the regression analysis, the value of sig F is smaller than alpha (0.000 < 0.05), which means that simultaneously these factors have a significant effect on the demand for banana chips in Pegasing District. The results of the partial analysis are only income variables, number of dependents and tastes that have a significant or significant effect on the demand for banana chips in Pegasing District because the sig t value of the three variables is smaller than the alpha value (0.000 < 0.05). Based on qualitative descriptive analysis through consumer responses to the attributes of banana chips, it is known that the attributes of banana chips that become consumer preferences are banana chips with a savory banana chips taste, the shape of banana chips that are wholeround and also those that have a dry texture, not rancid and the level of crispness of the chips. tall banana. The consumer’s attitude towards the attribute of banana chips that is most considered in purchasing decisions of banana chips in Pegsing Regency is taste. The index of consumer attitudes towards the attributes considered in the decision to purchase banana chips in Pegasing District, from the highest to the lowest, are taste (I), texture (II), and shape (III).

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