
Background: Apart from various Fetomaternal factors Birth Weight also varies with Ethnic Groups. Thisstudy aims to find out various Fetomaternal, socioeconomic and behavioural factor which determines theBirth Weight of Meitei and Meitei Pangan Communities of Manipur, India.Material and Methods: The present study being a retrospective study, cross sectional sample of 150 womenbelonging to Meitei community and 100 women from Meitei Pangan community were selected after fulfillingthe inclusion and exclusion criteria. Data were collected in a pre-designed, pre-tested structured schedule.The collected data were then compiled, classified, tabulated and analysed using standard appropriatestatistical methods.Results: Meitei Pangan newborn had a lower mean Birth Weight of 2923 ±46 grams as against 3106 ±36grams and mean age of mother 25.23± 0.40 against 29.66 ± 0.50 years respectively, but higher mean Parity(2.12 vs. 1.66) and Mean Gestational age (39.3 vs. 38.8 weeks) than their counterpart . Women with noeducation or lower level of education, non working mothers and Low Birth Weight Babies were morefrequently observed with Meitei Pangan.Conclusion: Women in Meitei Pangan community had a lower mean Birth Weight and they also had ahigher mean Parity and a lower Mean Age of Mothers. Lower level of education or no education and nonworking mothers were also more frequently seen with Meitei Pangan.

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