
Nurses promote quality services for the betterment of patients when successfully supervised by an effective nurse manager. A nurse managers effectiveness does not only rely on their skill set but their ability to recognise their emotions and that of others and considering how their emotions manifest at the working environment which is a significant requirement  for a nurse manager to leading subordinates and meeting deadlines and achieving set targets. This survey aimed at exploring the determinants and manifestations of nurse manager’s emotional intelligence at health care institutions in Ghana. This was a qualitative study that employed an explorative cross-sectional design and a purposive sampling technique to recruit 15 nurse managers with the assistance of an interview guide. Data collected were manually transcribed using Microsoft word and content analysis conducted. Labels were assigned to significant information generated form transcribed data and emergencing codes identified. Similar codes were combined to form sub-themes and several sub-themes into themes. In all six-sub-themes and three themes were developed form the data. Findings revealed nurse managers' ability to apply emotions (intra-personnel emotional awareness) to handle work-related challenges. Their ability to be emotionally aware of the structures of an organisation enabled them to adapt to a specific leadership style. Additionally, their interpersonal emotional awareness enabled them to socially interact with staff and patients, enabling them to professionally respond to ethical dilemmatic circumstances. The study concluded that, nurse managers were abrased with how their emotional intelligence manifest whilst in active services, therefore health policy makers, stakeholders and nursing professional associations should incorporate emotional intelligence into nursing education and performance review.

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