
YouTube is one of the most widely used social networks worldwide, both by consumers and companies. There are several advertising strategies that companies use to create value for their brands and consumers. The greater the value that consumers recognize for advertising, the more favorable their attitude towards it will be. Despite the huge number of subscribers that the platform has and its relevance as an advertising channel, the understanding regarding the effectiveness of YouTube advertising is limited. This study aims to understand the determinants of perceived value of youtube advertising and its effects on brand awareness and consumer purchase intention. A quantitative study was carried out and a convenience sample was collected from 398 YouTube users. Respondents were surveyed using a selfadministered questionnaire. All constructs emerge from literature. To mesure the model and analize the determinants and consequences of youtube adverstising value was used PLS-SEM. Results show that Information is not a determinant, statistically significant, of advertising value in the YouTube advertising. The strongest determinant is entertainment, followed credibility. Irritation has a negative effect. Findings also reveal that the perceived value of YouTube advertising has a positive and statistically significant effects on brand awareness and purchase Intention. This study expands previous studies including different determinants of YouTube advertising perceived value, its consequences and considering more than one advertising strategy on youtube, YouTube Ads and influencer marketing. Other studys just analyse one or other strategy. DOI : https://doi.org/10.54663/2182-9306.2022.v10.n18.50-70

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