
Th is research objective was to determine the effect of household consumption, investment in human resources in education, population, PAD and DAU on economic growth and their impact on the human development index simultaneously and partially. The results showed that: An increase in household consumption affects an increase in economic growth, so policies are needed, so that the real sector growth that is more optimal should be more directed at the development of the primary and secondary sectors, especially in the development of manufacturing industries based on local resource potential, which will produce output specific local and local product demand as an effort to increase public consumption expenditure. A n increase in the level of human investment in education affects an increase in economic growth, so the willingness of the government is needed to implement budget allocation priorities in the education sector efficiently. It does not differentiate physical development for public schools and private schools in physical development The increase in the amount of PAD affects the increase in economic growth, as regional governments are expected to be more focused on exploring and developing the potential that exists in the respective districts / cities in the West Sumatra Province. Among other things, efforts that can be made to improve the regional economy through the optimization of regional economic potential are by preserving the environment and supporting tourism, especially in the sector of providing accommodation as well as food and beverage, restaurants and hotels. A mount of DAU affects the increase in economic growth, for local governments it is hoped that more optimizing the allocation of the General Allocation Fund (DAU). To the Regency / City Government of West Sumatra Province, in order to prioritize the DAU allocation in areas that are directly in contact with the public interest, such as infrastructure or facilities that can encourage economic growth. Economic Growth affects the increase in the Human Development Index, to improve human development in the Regency / City of West Sumatra Province, the government must facilitate education, health and economic infrastructure, so that in this case it is expected to increase the value of the human development index in order to improve the quality of human resources to spur economic growth by prioritizing excellent service in education, health and economic development. Keywords : Household consumption, human resource investment in education, population, PAD, DAU, Economic Growth, and Human Development Index.

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