
This study examined age-dependent deficits in the learning and memory of inferential tasks, using an established senescence-accelerated mouse model in age-related brain dysfunction (SAMP8) and its genetically related inbred strain (SAMR1). The mice learned two sets of nonspatial odor-odor pairs by association learning successively (i.e., A-->B, X-->Y, then B-->C, Y-->Z). They were tested in transitive inference (i.e., A-->C, X-->Z) and symmetrical inference (i.e., C-->B, Z-->Y). In the probe test of A-->C, X-->Z transitive inference, 1-month-old SAMP8 and control SAMR1 at the same age significantly chose the alternative based on transitive inference, but 4- and 7-month-old SAMP8 performed at a random chance level, in comparison with unambiguous inference by control SAMR1 at the same ages. During the test of C-->B, Z-->Y symmetrical inference, SAMP8 at 1 month of age made errors as frequently as control SAMR1 at the same age, but SAMP8 at 4 and 7 months of age made more errors than SAMR1 at the same ages. At 4 and 7 months of age, SAMP8 made more errors than 1-month-old SAMP8. Control SAMR1 did not show such an age-related deficient. These results indicate that SAMP8 mice have age-related learning and memory deficits in the ability to perform inferential tasks. Age-related hippocampal dysfunction is suggested to be the cause of these age-related deficits in old SAMP8 mice during the performance of inferential tasks mediated by declarative memory.

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