
This study aims to analyze the proxies that are considered to be able to detect financial statement fraud with the pentagon fraud model. This model is a development of the fraud triangle and fraud diamond models by adding arrogance elements to complement the previous four existing elements, namely pressure, opportunity, rationalization, and competence. The population used in the study are companies listed on the 2016-2018 Jakarta Islamic Index (JII). Company samples obtained using purposive sampling technique are 14 companies and tested using multiple regression analysis. The results obtained from this study indicate that the stability proxied by changes in total assets and changes in directors as a proxy of the competency element has an influence in predicting financial statement fraud, while the opportunity, rationalization and arrogance elements do not affect financial report fraud. It is hoped that this research can be developed by extending the research years and proxies that represent each element of this model.


  • Laporan keuangan merupakan instrumen penting dalam operasional perusahaan karena terdapat catatan informasi akuntansi perusahaan pada periode akuntansi tertentu yang bisa mencerminkan kondisi perusahaan secara financial

  • This study aims to analyze the proxies that are considered to be able to detect financial statement fraud with the pentagon fraud model

  • The results obtained from this study indicate that the stability proxied by changes in total assets and changes in directors as a proxy of the competency element has an influence in predicting financial statement fraud, while the opportunity, rationalization and arrogance elements do not affect financial report fraud

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Laporan keuangan merupakan instrumen penting dalam operasional perusahaan karena terdapat catatan informasi akuntansi perusahaan pada periode akuntansi tertentu yang bisa mencerminkan kondisi perusahaan secara financial. Tindakan earning management memunculkan beberapa kasus penipuan untuk menampilkan laporan keuangan yang memuaskan. Kasus-kasus mengenai manipulasi laporan keuangan di luar negeri terjadi pada Xeroc, Enron, dan WorldCom yang menyebabkan publik Amerika Serikat meragukan integritas dan kredibilitas pelaku bisnis. Tak hanya di luar negeri, di Indonesia pun skandal pelaporan akuntansi pernah terjadi pada PT Kimia Farma Tbk, PT Waskita Karya Tbk, PT Kereta Api Indonesia Tbk. Kasus terbaru mengenai manipulasi laporan keuangan dilakukan PT Garuda Indonesia Tbk yang dituduh memanipulasi laporan Desember 2018, dimana tertulis bahwa PT Garuda Indonesia Tbk mendapatkan laba bersih US$ 809,85 ribu atau sekitar Rp 11 miliar. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis faktorfaktor penentu pelaporan keuangan yang curang melalui pendekatan fraud pentagon dengan menggunakan proksi earning management (manajemen laba). Penelitian yang menganalisis penipuan menggunakan teori fraud pentagon Crowe masih sangat sedikit (Marks, 2012)

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