
Nowadays, the use of formalin as a preservative in fish is often found in society. Besides, the consumption of fresh fish products containing heavy metals will potentially cause various diseases both short and long-term. The aims of this study were to assess the knowledge of society about formalin, detect the presence of formalin, and analyze the heavy metal content of Pb, Cd, and Hg in Yellow striped fish, Tuna and Mackerel fish. The qualitative detection was done using Schiff reagents, while the quantitative detection was done by using the Spectrophotometry based on the reaction of formaldehyde and Nash reagents. The results showed that 50 percent of society did not know about the use of formaldehyde and its characteristics in fish. The Qualitative testing on 9 samples found that 2 samples contained positive formalin, while 7 samples were negative. The quantitative test showed that the highest formalin content was found in Tuna and Mackerel fish with concentration of 3.36 ppm, and 1.26 ppm, respectively. Also, mercury was found as the highest concentration in fish roughly 1 to 1.60 ppm for those samples from three different markets. 
 Keywords: formalin, heavy metal, fresh fish, market, Kupang city


  • Salah satu faktor yang mempengaruhi kualitas sumber daya manusia yaitu kualitas pangan yang dikonsumsi

  • The results showed that 50 percent of society did not know about the use of formaldehyde and its characteristics in fish

  • Analisis Kandungan Formalin pada Berbagai Jenis Ikan di Kota Manado

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Bahan Sampel yang digunakan yaitu sampel ikan belang kuning, ikan tongkol, ikan kembung. Bahan kimia yang digunakan memiliki grade pro analyse (pa) yaitu: formalin 37%, serbuk fuchsin, NaHSO3, HCl pekat, H3PO4, asetil aseton, asam asetat glasial, amonium asetat, HNO3 pekat, H2O2 pekat dan aquades. Alat Alat yang digunakan yaitu neraca analitik, oven, labu takar, lumpang porselin, seperangkat alat destilasi Spektrofotometer UV-Vis (Cecil 2021), Spektrofotometer Serapan Atom (merck Agilent Technologies, serie 280 FSAA), mikropipet dan peralatan gelas lainnya

Metode Penelitian Survey Pasar dan Sampling Ikan
Analisis kualitatif dan kuantitatif formalin pada ikan
Penentuan formalin secara kualitatif dan kuantitatif
Negatif Negatif
Ikan Kembung
Ikan Belang Pasar
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