
Based on national data of BKKBN (National Family Planning Coordinating Board) of Central Java Province and MKJP usage data in ungaran subdistrict obtained data that KB MKJP acceptor is still lower than KB non MKJP acceptor.The purpose of this dedication is to improve the characteristics of women so that it can reduce the high risk group of MKJP usage where it is in line with the government program that is the recommendation of using MKJP or increase the satisfaction on the WUS who already use MKJP contraception. Devotion is done through counseling and examination of maternal health conditions that include examination of body weight, blood pressure, cholesterol. This devotion is done to 26 women of childbearing age in the village area candirejo kab. Semarang and implemented on 13 October and 5 November 2017.Evaluation conducted by giving questions on the pre and post counseling, while the examination data is written on the recap examination.The result of this devotion is from 11 IUD acceptors there are 17% have mild anemia while from 15 Acceptor Implant as much as 13% have anemia, equal to 36% IUD acceptor and 27% acceptor Implant has increased blood sugar level when, the increase of cholesterol level on Iud acceptor equal to 27% and 33% on the Implant acceptor. It is hoped that this dedication will contribute significantly to the increase of KB MKJP participants.Keyword : Early Detection, MKJP, WUS


  • Based on national data of BKKBN (National Family Planning Coordinating Board) of Central Java Province and MKJP usage data in ungaran subdistrict obtained data that KB MKJP acceptor is still lower than KB non MKJP acceptor.The purpose of this dedication is to improve the characteristics of women so that it can reduce the high risk group of MKJP usage where it is in line with the government program that is the recommendation of using MKJP or increase the satisfaction on the WUS who already use MKJP contraception

  • Semarang and implemented on 13 October and 5 November 2017.Evaluation conducted by giving questions on the pre and post counseling, while the examination data is written on the recap examination.The result of this devotion is from 11 IUD acceptors there are 17% have mild anemia while from 15 Acceptor Implant as much as 13% have anemia, equal to 36% IUD acceptor and 27% acceptor Implant has increased blood sugar level when, the increase of cholesterol level on Iud acceptor equal to 27% and 33% on the Implant acceptor

  • Data tersebut menunjukkan masih rendahnya angka pemakaian MKJP dibandingkan non MKJP, padahal MKJP lebih efektif dibandingkan dengan non MKJP 0,2 per 100 pengguna, sedangkan non MKJP 10 per 100 pengguna

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Nasional) Provinsi Jawa Tengah tentang pecapaian peserta KB aktif pada tahun 2012 jumlah PUS (Pasangan Usia Subur) yang menjadi peserta KB aktif tercatat sebanyak 4.784.150 peserta. Hasi mini survey peserta KB aktif , dan hasil studi tentang kualitas pelayanan KB mengungkapkan bahwa cukup banyak peserta KB dengan tidak rasional(tidak sesuai dengan umur ibu, jumlah anak yang diinginkan, dan kondisi kesehatan ibu). Kerugian kontrasepsi terkadang menjadi momok tersendiri bagi wanita usia subur mulai dari penambahan berta badan, perdarahan bercak perdarahan tidak teratur, dll.Pengabdian ini bermaksud untuk perbaikan karakteristik wanita sehingga dapat menurunkan golongan resiko tinggi pemakaian MKJP diamana hal ini sejalan dengan program pemerintah yaitu anjuran menggunakan MKJPmaupun meningkatkan kepuasan pada WUS yang sudah menggunakan kontrasepsi MKJP.

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