
Cyberbullying is a digital problem that is not a new phenomenon. This existed before the advent of social networks, and cyberbullying has a wide impact, including a person's mental and physiological conditions such as sadness, anxiety and depression. The main objective of this research is to develop an effective cyberbullying detection system using natural language processing techniques. The method used in this research includes the application of the BERT (Bi-Directional Encoder Representations from Transformers) and Bi-LSTM (Bi-Directional Long Short-Term Memory) models as a deep learning approach to analyze text and detect cyberbullying behavior. This approach allows the system to understand complex language contexts and capture patterns that traditional methods may find difficult to identify. Testing was carried out using a dataset that included various types of Indonesian language texts containing cyber bullying acts. The research results show that the combination of BERT and Bi-LSTM is able to provide superior detection performance with a high accuracy rate of 90% and the ability to identify variations of cyber bullying. This research makes a significant contribution to efforts to protect individuals from the negative impacts of cyber bullying through the development of a sophisticated and adaptive detection system.

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