
AbstractExternal prestressing tendons are a major structural element for the durability of concrete bridges. In France several cases of sudden breaks in external pre‐stressing tendon made of HDPE duct injected by cement grout directly in contact with strands have been recorded in the past decade [2].In order to prevent this sudden breaks Cerema has experimented the magnetic rope testing technology from ropeways to develop a non‐destructive inspection technic of the free length and junction of prestressing. The method is based on magnetic leakage field detection and allows to detect defaults of the strands inside the tendon such as corrosion and wire breaks.The article first focuses on the magnetic rope testing technic. Then tests previously performed on laboratory tendons with reference wire breaks will be analyzed for defaults characterization. Finally, the particular methodology adapted to the nondestructive magnetic inspection of prestressing tendons on site will be detailed. A general feedback including handling issues and analysis of non‐destructive magnetic controls completed with visual controls by removing the high‐density polyethylene (HDPE) sheath will be given.

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