
SUMMARYA study of homoeologous recombination along almost the complete genetic length of two homoeologous chromosomes in the Triticeae was conducted. Sears' phlb mutant was used to induce homoeologous pairing between chromosomes 7A of common wheat and 7Ai–l of Agropyron intermedium. 390 ph1b ph1b homozygous F3 progeny were screened using six co‐dominant DNA markers (RFLP loci). 63 of the progeny (16%) were putative recombinants, showing dissociation of RFLP markers within the arm(s). Progeny tests of self‐fertile putative recombinants confirmed the dissociation phenotypes observed in the F3 progeny. No recombination could be confirmed in 117 F3 progeny plants having the Ph1– allele (control population). Frequencies and distribution of chiasmata along the chromosome arm 7AS were analysed using additional RFLP markers. The patterns of recombination between the two homoeologous chromosomes were found similar to those reported for homologous recombination between the same markers on short arms of group 7 chromosomes of Triticeae.

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