
Introduction: West Nile fever is a zoonotic, vector-borne viral infection caused by West Nile virus. The possibility of persistence of West Nile virus in overwintering mosquitoes in regions with a temperate climate is of great importance for understanding the mechanisms of pathogen circulation. Objective: To detect West Nile virus in mosquitoes during the inter-epizootic period in the Volgograd Region. Materials and methods: In 2013–2021, we collected overwintering mosquitoes in different locations of the Volgograd Region using a battery-powered aspirator with a Krishtal’s trap to detect West Nile virus RNA in them using a real-time reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction. An isolate (WNV Volgograd_o16/19) was obtained from sample o16/19 (Cx. pipiens, collected on April 2, 2019) with detected West Nile virus RNA using a VERO cell culture. After that, total RNA was isolated from the filtered cell supernatant of that isolate. Metagenomic sequencing of the sample was performed using a high-throughput Illumina MiSeq sequencer, Illumina Inc., USA. Results: In total, we collected 4,070 mosquitoes in wintering shelters and tested 157 pools of the insects for West Nile virus RNA. The latter was detected in two pools of Culex pipiens and in one pool of Anopheles maculipennis complex. The phylogenetic analysis showed that the WNV Volgograd_о16/19 strain isolated from the pool of wintering mosquitoes belonged to lineage 2 of West Nile virus. We also established its belonging to the monophyletic clade of West Nile virus strains isolated in the Volgograd, Astrakhan, and Rostov regions in the years 2007 and 2018–2020. Conclusions: We were first to detect West Nile virus in overwintering mosquitoes in the Volgograd Region. Our findings confirm the hypothesis that lineage 2 strains of encephalitic West Nile virus persist in mosquitoes during the inter-epizootic period and can be transmitted from mosquito to bird in springtime as one of the mechanisms of forming autochthonous foci in WNV endemic areas of the Russian Federation in the absence of the annual import of this infection.

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