
Barley is one of the most important cereals grown in our agroecological conditions. The causal agent of loose smut on barley Ustilago nuda (Jensen) Rostrup occurs frequently as varieties susceptible to this pathogen are present in the production. Disease symptoms are manifested on barley head (spike). Parasite is transmitted by seed (seedborne) and stays in the embryo tissue of the infected kernel as dormant mycelium. Recommended method for detection of U. nuda is given by ISTA Rules (method 7-013). In tests, nine samples (weighing 120 g each) of naturally infected barley seed (about 1000 seeds, depending on the absolute mass of seed) were examined, observed and described using a Zeiss microscope with sub stage illumination with magnification range x 40 or higher. Mycelium of the fungus approximately 3 μ thick, golden brown in colour was detected and visible without a stain. The percentage of infected embryos in the examined samples of barley seeds ranged from 0.8% to 5.2%.


  • Summary: Barley is one of the most important cereals grown in our agroecological conditions

  • The causal agent of loose smut on barley Ustilago nuda (Jensen) Rostrup occurs frequently as varieties susceptible to this pathogen are present in the production

  • Disease symptoms are manifested on barley head

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Materijal i metod

Za detekciju U. nuda korišćen je metod brojanja zaraženih embriona bez prethodnog bojenja (ISTA Rules method 7-013). Postupak ocene zaraženosti embriona sastoji se u prethodnom odvajanju embriona od ostatka semena pomoću 5% rastvora NaOH. Uzorci su nakon inkubacije prebačeni u odgovarajuću posudu i ispirani toplom vodom radi razdvajanja embriona od perikarpa semena. Sakupljanje odvojenih embriona izvršeno je pomoću sita promera perforacija od 1 mm. Radi dodatnog prečišćavanja i odvajanja embriona od perikarpa semena, embrioni su prebačeni u prethodno pripremljen rastvor glicerola i vode u odnosu 1:1. Nakon toga izvršeno je zagrevanje prečišćenih embriona u rastvoru bezvodnog. Radi lakšeg mikroskopiranja embrioni su potapani u svež rastvor glicerola. Posmatranje, brojanje i fotografisanje zaraženih embriona obavljeno je pomoću Zeiss mikroskopa pri uveličanju od x 40. Iz svakog uzorka pregledano je po 1000 embriona na prisustvo micelije gljive U. nuda a rezultati su izraženi u procentima

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