
Thresholds were measured for the detection of a temporal gap in a bandlimited noise signal presented in a continuous wideband masker, using an adaptive forced-choice procedure. In experiment I the ratio of signal spectrum level to masker spectrum level (the SMR) was fixed at 10 dB and gap thresholds were measured as a function of signal bandwidth at three center frequencies: 0.4, 1.0, and 6.5 kHz. Performance improved with increasing bandwidth and increasing center frequency. For a subset of conditions, gap threshold was also measured as bandwidth was varied keeping the upper cutoff frequency of the signal constant. In this case the variation of gap threshold with bandwidth was more gradual, suggesting that subjects detect the gap using primarily the highest frequency region available in the signal. At low center frequencies, however, subjects may have a limited ability to combine information in different frequency regions. In experiment II gap thresholds were measured as a function of SMR for several signal bandwidths at each of three center frequencies: 0.5, 1.0, and 6.5 kHz. Gap thresholds improved with increasing SMR, but the improvement was minimal for SMRs greater than 12-15 dB. The results are used to evaluate the relative importance of factors influencing gap threshold.

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