
High radon fluxes in the seismically active Dead Sea Rift seem to be affected by the hydrological system and the different salinities of groundwater bodies involved. The time domain electromagnetic (TDEM) method was employed to delineate those different bodies and the configuration of the interfaces between them. The present hydrological system and the related brines and interfaces are controlled by the Dead Sea base level, presently at 408 m below MSL. TDEM measurements detect low resistivity (<1 ohm/m) units representing brines and the interface between them as well as the overlying fresher water bodies. In addition, high resistivity (freshwater) units are also detected, underlying the brines, related herein to a multiple hydrological system. Low-resistivity brines, detected above the present base level, are interpreted herein as yet unflushed ones which correspond to a former higher base level. Higher sequences, below historical (sixteenth century) base levels, are already devoid of brines, which gives an indication as to the rate of flushing.

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