
To identify genetic mutations a rather time-consuming and expensive method of polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is widely used. The aim of the present work was to evaluate the possibility of using the two schemes of the method of allele-specific isothermal loop amplification (LAMP) to detect the TCG/TTG (S450L) mutation in the rpoB gene of Mycobacterium tuberculosis. 48 clinical isolates of M. tuberculosis and 11 samples of sputum were used, randomized and obtained in the microbiological laboratory of the city of Novosibirsk from incident patients. It is shown that the use of an analysis scheme using the allele-specific primer FIP compared to F3 has the best resolution: the difference between the amplification time of the mutation and the wild type allele was 22 ± 2,4 versus 13 ± 4,1 minutes (p = 0,0011). When using 100 DNA genomic equivalents a true positive signal (amplification of the rpoB gene with a mutation using the corresponding allele-specific primer) was detected after 29,4 ± 3,4 minutes. A positive signal was visualized after adding SYBR Green I to the reaction, both when illuminated with daylight and when using a UV transilluminator. Using the developed method the DNA sample of 20 RIFR isolates from M. tuberculosis was analyzed containing the Ser450Leu mutation in the rpoB gene, 10 RIFR isolates containing other mutations in the rpoB gene and 18 RIFs isolates without any mutations; the presence of mutations in the samples was determined using classical Sanger sequencing. The sensitivity and specificity of LAMP for detecting a Ser450Leu mutation in the rpoB gene was 100%. This approach allows the use of crude lysates of mycobacteria as DNA, which reduces the total analysis time to 1,5 hour.


  • The aim of our work was to develop a method for detecting TCG/TTG mutation (S450L) in the rpoB gene of Mycobacterium tuberculosis for detection of rifampicin resistance without using expensive equipment, and to evaluate the effectiveness of two types of the allele-specific isothermal loop amplification (AS-LAMP) design, and to determine the optimal system’s analytical characteristics on a representative DNA sample of Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates

  • Allele-specific LAMP is initiated from a mutation-specific F3 primer

  • To optimize the reaction pS450L-M or pS450L-W with a concentration of 1000 copies per reaction served as a matrix for AS-LAMP

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Compliance with ethical standards: the study was approved by the Ethics Committee of Institute of Chemical Biology and Fundamental Medicine (Protocol 4 dated April 09, 2009). Целью работы было оценить возможность применения двух схем метода аллель-специфичной изотермической петлевой амплификации (loop-mediated isothermal amplification, LAMP) для выявления мутации TCG/TTG (S450L) в гене rpoB Mycobacterium tuberculosis. При использовании 100 геном-эквивалентов ДНК истинно положительный сигнал (амплификация гена rpoB с мутацией при использовании соответствующего аллель-специфического праймера) детектировался после 29,4 ± 3,4 мин. Чувствительность и специфичность LAMP для выявления мутации Ser450Leu в гене rpoB составили 100%. Данный подход позволяет использовать в качестве ДНК грубые лизаты микобактерий, что сокращает тотальное время анализа до 1,5 ч

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