
The aim of this study was to compare a polymerase chain reaction (PCR) method combined with selective enrichment in Rappaport-Vassiliadis broth (PCR-RVB) with standard microbiological techniques (SMT) for the generic detection of Salmonella in samples of porcine origin. Two hundred sixty eight field samples consisting of 42 sets of pooled porcine mandibular lymph nodes and tonsils, 44 samples of intestinal content, 38 pork sausage meat samples and 144 samples of feed collected from swine farms were submitted to the PCR-RVB and SMT protocols. Salmonella was detected in 54 samples using the PCR-RVB assay and in 42 samples by SMT, three of the SMT Salmonella-positive samples (one each of S. Derby, S. Panama and S. Typhimurium) being Salmonella-negative by PCR-RVB. For the PCR-RVB method 15 Salmonella-positive samples were negative by SMT, a significant difference according to the Mac Nemar’s chi-squared test (p=0.0153). Subsequent serological typing of the SMT isolates showed the following Salmonella serovars, the number of positive samples being given in parentheses: Typhimurium (12); Bredeney (10); Panama (5); Saint-paul (5); Minnesota (3); Mbandaka (2); Derby (1); Enteritidis (1); Orion (1) and Salmonella sp. (2). We concluded that, although the use of both PCR-RVB and SMT increased the number of positive samples, the PCR-RVB, due to its higher sensitivity and greater speed in giving results, can be implemented to detect Salmonella in samples of porcine origin.

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