
The present study on olive tuberculosis commenced by isolating bacteria of the genus Pseudomonas from the soils and necrosis of collected olive trees. A total of 180 samples were used in this study: (100) rhizospheric soil samples: (60) samples at the region of Ain Témouchent and (40) at the region of Sig in western of Algeria. In total, (80) galls were collected (40) at branch level and (40) galls at olive tree leaf (level). The isolates were identified by microbiological (macroscopic and microscopic examination), physiological (growth in the presence of Salt (NaCl), growth at different pH values and growth at different temperatures) and biochemical methods (the LOPAT and Galeries Api 20 NE test to identify species of the Pseudomonas group and conventional biochemical tests to identify the subspecies P. syringae pv. Savastanoi).This allowed to identify 110 isolates of Pseudomonas (60 isolates of P. aeruginosa, 35 isolates of P. fluorescens and 15 isolates of P. syringae pv Savastanoi the causal agent of olive node disease) which are now part of the collection of Pseudomonas bacteria of the laboratory of the Biotechnology Department (USTO-MB). The selection of technological performance isolates useful for our agriculture could solve phytopathological problems and finally constitute a collection of the bacteria preserved.

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