
Serum samples of 10 workers undergoing occupational type inhalative challenge tests by toluene diisocyanate (TDI) were investigated by anion-exchange fast-protein-liquid-chromatography (FPLC) and polyacrylamide-gel electrophoresis (PAGE-SDS). Their serum chromatography profiles were compared to those of 20 unexposed individuals. The peak height of the first prealbumin peak in sera of workers after inhalative challenge tests was significantly different (p > 0, 01 Chi-square test) compared to that obtained before exposure and to that of unexposed subjects. In addition, qualitative changes of these peaks were also noted in sera of workers exposed to TDI. In the cases of exposed individuals, that peak was more diffuse with some shoulders and less symmetric in appearance. Similarly, PAGE-SDS of the serum proteins, followed by silver nitrate staining, revealed a different banding pattern after in vivo TDI exposure. One of the serum components at approximately 15 kDa showed an increase of staining intensity after exposure (n = 10), compared to unexposed subjects or to patients before exposure. This serum fraction has not yet been identified. The results here demonstrate that it is possible to detect changes of serum proteins in TDI-exposed individuals within a relatively short analysis time. This could be useful for biological monitoring of exposure, since no method for such is yet available.

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