
The platelet factor 3 (PF 3) plays a very important role in activation of coagulation factors and is regarded to be available during activation of platelets. However, membrane fraction of erythrocytes is also shown to have PF 3-like activity, suggesting that the abnormal erythrocytes may accelerate the activation of platelet by forming thrombin on their abnormal membrane or by way of other factors of the abnormal erythrocytes, and may increase the availability of PF 3 in whole blood (WB). To examine this hypothesis, we developed a method for determination of PF 3 activity, because the method now available for the PF3 determination could not detect changes in PF 3 activity with time. The principles of our method were as follows: 1) The reaction system was adjusted so that the amount of thrombin generated in a fixed reaction time correlates with the amount of PF 3. 2) To avoid inhibition of thrombin activity by antithrombin III, a synthetic thrombin inhibitor, MD 805, was added to the system and the activity of thrombin generated was measured by synthetic thrombin substrate S-2238 using A405 as an indicator of the availability of PF3. The results obtained by the method were the following: WB taken from volunteers showed A405 of 0.12 +/- 0.02 at 30 minutes after blood collection and then the A405 increased to 0.27 +/- 0.03 at 90 minutes. However, one volunteer showed the value of 0.59 at 90 minutes, though the value at 30 minutes was 0.16. The platelet number in his WB did not change during the study.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)

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