
Two different types of monoclonal antibodies, antineuroblastoma (PI153/3), and antilymphocyte (P3B1-C3) were used to identify and classify tumor cells in the bone marrow of patients with neuroblastoma and with other types of cancer. Cells expressing the antigens were detected with peroxidase-coupled anti-Ig. The cell-surface labeling is manifested as a dense black precipitate at the membrane visualized by light microscopy. The combination of the two antibodies gives specific staining patterns for each cell type. PI153/3+, P3B1-C3- is specifically associated with neuroblastoma cells. PI153/3+,P3B1-C3+ is expressed on blast cells from some types of acute lymphoblastic leukemia and a small subpopulation of normal lymphocytes. These monoclonal antibodies thus allow specific visual detection of single neuroblastoma cells in bone marrow samples. The results demonstrate how combinations of monoclonal antibodies can be effectively used to identify specific cell types by their expression of and lack of specific marker determinants. Application of this principle is particularly relevant for dissecting populations of related cells and/or molecules.

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