
The Compressed Baryonic Matter (CBM) experiment at the Facility for Antiproton and Ion Research (FAIR) in Darmstadt, Germany is an upcoming fixed target experiment. The MUon CHamber (MUCH) at CBM is designed for precision measurement of dimuons in the energy range 4–40 AGeV using high-intensity heavy-ion beams. One of the major experimental challenges for CBM is the identification of low momentum muons, originating from the decay of Low-Mass Vector Mesons (LMVMs), in a very high particle density environment. The LMVMs offer valuable information of the medium formed in such collisions. To date, no dimuon measurements are available for heavy-ion collisions in the FAIR energy range. Here we will report the performance of the CBM MUCH detector, characterized by the detection efficiency and signal-to-background ratio for \(\rho , \omega , \phi \).

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