
Characteristic findings of Herpes virus (HSV) affe cted cells reported by other workers were reascerta ined in the present study. Ground glass'appearance, marked thickening of the nuclear margin, multin ucleation and its molding were frequently observed. The inclusion bodies which are said to be the most prominent features in the morphology of HSV infe ction were rather uncommon. The presence of fine granules in the nuclear vesicles was more frequently associated with acute infection and the inclusion bo dies were associated with recurrent cases. Finding on the cytoplasm served as a reference.In the present 23 cases which showed HSV infection cytologically, no association was found between these patients and the cervical cancer of the uterus.The incidence of HSV infection in the female geni talia was 0.34% of the total number of the patients screened by cytosmear and 0.14% or 1/692 of the total number of the patients visited my gynecological clinic. Although the incidence of HSV infection in the female genitalia in this report is from patients of a limited area, it was higher than those of other reports.The detection rate was analysed, especially related to the factors, such as age distribution, menstrual periods, seasonal fluctuation and social status.

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