
Established methods used to detect serum antibodies to granulocytes require the isolation of granulocytes. Flow cytometric analysis of granulocytes with monoclonal antibodies eliminates the need for granulocyte isolation. The purpose of this study was to develop a method to evaluate reactions of antibodies to granulocytes without separating granulocytes from other leukocytes. Three screening cell samples for granulocyte antibody detection were prepared from whole-blood samples in which the red blood cells (RBCs) were lysed and remaining leukocytes tested against sera at 4 degrees C. Binding of human alloantibodies to the screening cells was determined by flow cytometric analysis using phycoerythrin-conjugated antibody to human immunoglobulin. Forward and side scatter were used to analyze granulocytes separately from other leukocytes. The assay was validated by testing granulocytes with reference alloantibodies directed to NA1, NA2, 5b, and Mart antigens. Samples from 32 patients were tested, and the results of the assays were compared with the results of testing the samples in a granulocyte immunofluorescence (GIF) assay performed by a reference laboratory. In the whole-blood flow cytometric (WBFC) assay the mean fluorescence intensities of reference antisera with antigen-positive cells, expressed in arbitrary units, were anti-NA1 = 48 to 221, anti-NA2 = 24 to 69, anti-5b = 13 to 57, and anti-Mart = 42 to 72. In contrast, the mean fluorescence intensity of type AB-negative control sera ranged from 3 to 11. Of the 32 patient sera tested, 23 were positive (range = 12 to 56) and 9 were negative (range = 3 to 10). When compared with the results obtained by the reference laboratory, 27 sera were concordant between the WBFC and the GIF assays. Four of the samples were positive in WBFC (range = 11 to 31) and negative in GIF and one sample was negative in WBFC (range = 5 to 6) and positive in GIF. Leukocytes prepared from whole blood after lysis of RBCs can be used in flow cytometric analysis to detect granulocyte alloantibodies. The results of testing for granulocyte antibodies with this assay were similar to results of testing sera in GIF. Further comparative studies are indicated to confirm findings and explain the discordant results.

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