
In the age of digital multimedia, the emergence of high resolution digital cameras and sophisticated photo-editing software packages make s it relatively easy to create digital image forgeries. It is increasingly important to verify the authenticity and integrity of digital images. In this paper, a new approach to detect tampered images based on double JPEG 2000 compression is proposed. The paper first analyzes the statistics of double JPEG 2000 compression , the artifacts in the Fourier transforms of DWT (Discrete Wavelet Transform) coefficient histogram, i.e. , the stronger singularity in the mid and high frequencies compared with single JPEG 2000 compression; then extracts the singularity using the characteristics of DWT and detects double JPEG 2000 compression by thresholding the singularity . Finally , to images identified as the double JPEG 2000 compress ed versions, the percent of non- zero DWT coefficients in high frequencies is examined to catch the difference between authentic image part and tampered image part . The experiments demonstrate that the proposed approach can achieve an effective detection for double JPEG 2000 compression as well as accurate location for the tampered areas .

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