
Current methods used for the detection of whole-cell isolates of Legionella or for the detection of Legionella soluble antigens are technically impractical for many clinical laboratories. The purpose of this study was to explore practical alternatives. The results showed that whole cell isolates of Legionella pneumophila serogroups 1 to 6, Legionella bozemanii, Legionella dumoffii, Legionella gormanii, and Legionella micdadei were identified specifically by a simple slide agglutination test or slide coagglutination test in which the reagent antisera are first bound to staphylococcal protein A. Soluble antigens were also identified specifically by the slide coagglutination test and by a sandwich immunofluorescence assay. The latter test may be useful in detecting antigen in body fluids of patients with legionellosis or in environmental samples.

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