
Sanitary services present various challenges, one of them are bottlenecks. bottlenecks cause anomalies and eventualities in the processes flow, directly affecting the patient’s attention quality. The health organizations procure to apply a process management focusing and the usage of different technologies to improve their performance. Process mining is a technology for the process analysis, which possibilities to identify characteristics and issues associated with the execution of the process from information systems. XAVIA HIS system has the necessary characteristics to contribute to the identification of bottlenecks applying process mining techniques. This research had as objective to develop and integrates an analysis view to identify bottlenecks from the XAVIA HIS system. To fulfill the proposed objective was selected and personalized the Replay a log on Petri Net for Performance / Conformance technique of process mining on the system. The analysis view developed and incorporated to the system, will allow making an analysis of the sanitary institutions execution processes. The solution proposal benefits the professionals and patients of the hospital institutions, increasing that way the quality of the provided services.

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