
Beak and feather disease virus (BFDV) has been found in Oceania, Africa, Asia and Europe, but the virus has not yet been detected in India. Here we are reporting the detection of BFDV in exotic rainbow lorikeets (Trichoglossus haematodus) in India. In the phylogenetic analysis, India's witnessed BFDV complete genome, replication (Rep) and capsid (Cap) sequences were displayed close to previously reported T. haematodus infecting BFDV from Australia. Further, we observed that the Indian and exotic Psittaciformes except T. haematodus housed together with the BFDV infected rainbow lorikeets did not display clinical signs and were negative for 4-month genome detection. This observation raised the suspicion that BFDV could cause host-specific infections. In addition, our phylogenetic analysis using 361 BFDV complete genome sequences from various bird species revealed that they were mainly grouped according to the specific species. Likewise, similarity plot analysis shows that the BFDV complete genome sequences found in T. haematodus are significantly different in areas such as the origin of Rep, the intergenic region between the 3' ends of the Rep and capsid (Cap) genes, and the Cap gene, compared to the BFDVs found in other birds. Furthermore, the BFDV-host coevolution analysis clarifies that the TimeTree of the evolution of various Psittaciformes bird species is the coevolution of the BFDV complete genome/Rep gene/Rep protein/Cap gene/Cap protein sequences found in the respective bird species. To our best knowledge, it is essential to note that no research has yet provided conclusive scientific evidence or experimental evidence that BFDVs detected from Trichoglossus sp. can infect other bird species. Therefore, it can be expected that the BFDVs found in the exotic bird in India will not infect Indian Psittaciformes. However, we hope that large-scale surveillance of BFDV in Indian birds will help determine the BFDV genome present in Indian birds and take further action.

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