
Abstract These days usage of wireless communication has become vast compared to wired communication. The landline is replaced with a mobile, wi-fi with DAS. From the era of 1970 to the 1980s, wireless communication has evolved and wireless communication uses RF waves to communicate which is called RF communication. As the demand for the speed of data rate, the new technology is evolving in the unguided medium due to its range, cost, and availability. In this evolution, it first came with optical fiber and after RF wireless or electromagnetic wireless technologies. Later, researchers have been found optical communication. In present days it is facing a lot of challenges and trials. Optical communication means communication using the light ray or light spectrum which can achieve great speed and long distance with secure data transfer. The major challenge to achieve this communication is atmospheric turbulence. Although lots of experiments have been done still the problem is the detection of atmospheric conditions and making communication possible according to atmospheric turbulence. In this paper, we are going to discuss a few techniques to detect atmospheric turbulence.

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