
Multichannel recordings of magnetoencephalography (MEG) are usually comprised of repetitive events (e.g. external stimuli) in order to evoke the relatively weak magnetic fields of brain responses to a specific task. The analysis of the underlying electrophysiological brain activity of such unaveraged signals is notoriously challenging. During MEG experiments environmental and other external noise sources derogate the signal of interest. Furthermore, brain activity which is not involved in the task processing and therefore not of prime interest (often termed as “brain noise”) also interfere with the weak brain responses. In order to increase the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the recorded data a widely common strategy is to perform signal averages. Assuming white1 noise that is temporally uncorrelated across trials, the SNR improvement gained by the averaging process over N trials scales theoretically with √N. In practice the noise reduction is a little less than 1/√N since, the evoked activity usually varies in its signal strength over time. An important aspect to bear in mind when performing averages is, that it will reveal the most prominent neuromagnetic correlates of brain responses, only. In this way information about weaker brain activity is largely suppressed, especially when multiple strong and weaker sources acting in a coordinated manner. Additionally, the temporal dynamics of each individual response will not be preserved. In contrast, single-trial analysis retains the temporal dynamics of the neuromagnetic responses, but suffers from poor signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), and is therefore rarely applied. Multichannel MEG recordings are usually comprised of a mixture of the underlying brain activity and field components originated from noise and artifact sources. In MEG, as well as in electroencephalography (EEG), the most prominent biological artifacts originate from eye blinks/movements (ocular artifacts, OA), heart beats (cardiac artifacts, CA) and muscle activity (MA). The signal strength of such biological artifacts may be several orders of magnitude higher than the signal of interest. Therefore, the analysis of MEG/EEG signals

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