
Oil Mill Waste (OMW) is the aqueous solution produced as a byproduct during the manufacture of olive oil. OMW has a high content of phenolic compounts which renders it highly poluting. Several nitrogen fixing bacteria have been isolated from soil treated with OMW, only one of which, Azotobacter vinelandii strain A, is able to grow and fix nitrogen in 100% OMW. Thus, this particular strain was selected for further molecular characterization concerning the nucleotide sequence of two structural genes of nitrogenase 1 and 2: nifH and vnfH.KeywordsAqueous SolutionSequence AnalysisNucleotide SequencePromoter RegionSpecific PrimerThese keywords were added by machine and not by the authors. This process is experimental and the keywords may be updated as the learning algorithm improves.

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