
Abstract: The number of vehicles has increased in recent days. Managing this huge number of vehicles is a tedious process. Traffic Signals are used to control the flow of the vehicles in an orderly manner. Sometimes an ambulance may need to wait for long time in a traffic signal and if it waits for too long, it would put the patient’s life at risk. Traffic police can manually identify an ambulance and try to clear the traffic jam, but it is not possible with today’s enormous vehicles. Detection of Ambulance using Computer Vision is an application of computer vision and image processing which is capable of extracting images of vehicles and detecting ambulance. It is implemented using Python, OpenCV, TensorFlow and CNN. It captures the live feed of traffic using a camera and extract the vehicles. Then it is classified as an ambulance or non-ambulance vehicle. By automating this process, it is possible to clear a way for an ambulance that is waiting in a traffic signal.

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