
Quantitative electroencephalography (qEEG) has been used as a tool for neurophysiologic diagnostic. We used spectrogram and coherence values for evaluating qEEG in 17 children (13 boys and 4 girls aged between 6 and 11) with autism disorders (ASD) and 11 control children (7 boys and 4 girls with the same age range). Evaluation of qEEG with statistical analysis demonstrated that alpha frequency band (8-13 Hz) had the best distinction level of 96.4% in relaxed eye-opened condition using spectrogram criteria. The ASD group had significant lower spectrogram criteria values in left brain hemisphere, (p < 0.01) at F3 and T3 electrodes and (p < 0.05) at FP1, F7, C3, Cz and T5 electrodes. Coherence values at 171 pairs of EEG electrodes indicated that there are more abnormalities with higher values in the connectivity of temporal lobes with other lobes in gamma frequency band (36-44 Hz).

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