
Molecular Communications (MC) is a bio-inspired communication technique that uses molecules to transfer information among bio-nano devices. In this paper, we focus on the detection problem for biological MC receivers employing ligand receptors to infer the transmitted messages encoded into the concentration of molecules, i.e., ligands. In practice, receptors are not ideally selective against target ligands, and in physiological environments, they can interact with multiple types of ligands at different reaction rates depending on their binding affinity. This molecular cross-talk can cause a substantial interference on MC. Here we consider a particular scenario, where there is non-negligible concentration of interferer molecules in the channel, which have similar receptor-binding characteristics with the information molecules, and the receiver employs single type of receptors. We investigate the performance of four different detection methods, which make use of different statistics of the ligand-receptor binding reactions: instantaneous number of bound receptors, unbound time durations of receptors, bound time durations of receptors, and combination of unbound and bound time durations of receptors within a sampling time interval. The performances of the introduced detection methods are evaluated in terms of bit error probability for varying strength of molecular interference, similarity between information and interferer molecules, number of receptors, and received concentration difference between bit-0 and bit-1 transmissions. We propose synthetic receptor designs that can convert the required receptor statistics to the concentration of intracellular molecules, and chemical reaction networks that can chemically perform the computations required for detection.

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