
Transgenic soybean line GTS-40-3-2, marketed under the trade name Roundup Ready (RR) soy, was developed by Monsanto (USA) to allow for the use of glyphosate, the active ingredient of the herbicide Roundup, as a weed control agent. RR soy was first approved in Canada for environmental release and for feed products in 1995 and later for food products in 1996 and is widely grown in Canada. Consumer concern issues have resulted in proposed labeling regulations in Canada for foods derived from genetically engineered crops. One requirement for labeling is the ability to detect and accurately quantify the amount of transgenic material present in foods. Two assays were evaluated. A conventional qualitative Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) assay to detect the presence of soy and RR soy and a real-time PCR to quantify the amount of RR soy present in samples that tested positive in the first assay. PCR controls consisted of certified RR soy reference material, single transgenic soybeans, and a processed food sample containing a known amount of RR soy. To test real-world applicability, a number of common grocery store food items that contain soy-based products were tested. For some samples, significant differences in amplification efficiencies during the quantitative PCR assays were observed compared to the controls, resulting in potentially large errors in quantification. A correction factor was used to try to compensate for these differences.

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