
Networks are mainly of two types, wired and wireless. Now a days at most of the places people prefers wireless. The wireless network is much vulnerable to security attacks as compared to wired network. In wireless network there are various types of active and passive attacks are possible. The man-in-middle is one of the most common active attacks. The man-in-middle attack session hijacking attack can be performed generally using honey pot. In our work, the fake access point is the honey. In man-in-middle attack attacker attract legitimate user to connect with the unencrypted access point and that unencrypted access point is honey. When the legitimate user connect with the access point, attacker hack the cookies, sessions of the legitimate user. There are different types of detecting techniques are available and most of them are based on Beacon Frames. In this paper, a new technique is purposed in which sensor nodes are used in network and these sensors have storage of data about the access points that have use in the network. If any attacker try to perform an attack in the network by creating an fake access point, then sensor will sense and verifying attacker’s fake access point by verifying MAC address of access point and after verifying report to legitimate user that you are connected with fake access point.

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