
The main objective of utility companies is continuous power supply which motivates them for the quick detection and location of faults occurring in a power system. Fault analysis of different fault condition is a difficult task in a Hybrid power system. The wavelet transform is used for the detection and location of fault taking place in a hybrid power system. For proper fault analysis, exact location of the fault distance from the source and type of fault information is very much essential. The proposed model used in this paper is a hybrid combination of wind energy and photovoltaic generation system. For detecting the fault voltage signals are extracted and passed through wavelet transform. Detailed information about the faulted signal is received. The wavelet transform has the special property of time-frequency resolution, from which we can detect the fault. In this paper wavelet transform (WT) is used for determining the location and detection of fault. For clearing the fault in less time detection and location of fault are two important tasks for a power engineer. All the signals are analyzed using the wavelet transform toolbox after selecting the suitable wavelet level. From the analyzed signal the pre fault and post fault coefficients are derived. The fault detection and location study are simulated in MATLAB/Simulink for a typical power system.

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