
Background. Paroxysmal nocturnal haemoglobinuria (PNH) is an acquired clonal haematopoietic stem cell disorder characterised by intravascular haemolysis, bone marrow failure and increased tendency to thrombosis. It is caused by a somatic mutation in the PIG-A gene, which encodes an enzyme essential for the synthesis of glycosylphosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchors. The PIG-A mutation results in a clone of blood cells with total or partial deficiency of membrane proteins anchored to the cell surface through GPI anchor. For many years, an increased susceptibility of the PNH red cells to complement lysis in acidified serum (Ham’s test) has been essential for diagnosis of the PNH. Current flow cytometric assays for PNH rely on the use of labeled antibodies to detect deficiencies of the specific GPI anchor proteins on blood cells. We evaluated a three-colour flow cytometry method for detection and quantification of CD55/59 negative netrophils. Patients and methods. Nine patients (6 with PNH and 3 with aplastic anaemia) who were previously diagnosed as having PNH or aplastic anaemia were evaluated. In the period of three years the patients were serially evaluated for the extent of PNH clone by quantification of CD55/59 negative neutrophils. Three-colour flow cytometry method was used for quantification of the CD55/CD59 negative neutrophils. We used directly conjugated monoclonal antibodies anti-DC15PC5 for identification of neutrophils and anti-CD59-FITC and anti-CD55-PE for the GPI-linked antigens. Results. Patients with haemolytic PNH had > 50% CD59/CD55 negative granulocytes. The proportion of the PNH granulocytes was higher in the patient with frequent and serious haemolytic attacks. Over the period of three years slow growth of the PNH clone was seen in two cases. Two patients with PNH diagnosed 19 years ago and in remission at the time of flow cytometric analysis was devoid of the PNH clone. Three patients with aplastic anaemia (hypoplastic PNH) had the proportion of CD59/CD55 negative granulocytes < 40%. In one of them PNH clone increased. Conclusions. Three colour flow cytometry of granulocytes using combination of anti-CD15/55/59 provides the accurate technique for detection and quantification of the PNH clone. Monitoring the PNH clone size has clinical and prognostic value. The size of the PNH clone is an important determinant for thrombotic risk. Serial studies allow prediction of remission in some cases or progress from hypoplastic to hemolytic PNH in others.

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