
This article explores the potential of a scanning electron microscope with an energy dispersive X-ray spectrometer in combination with a new non-destructive 3D visualization technique, X-ray micro-computed tomography, as detection methods for siloxanes/silanes mixtures applied as wood preservatives. In order to have a higher contrast, bromine functional silane was added to the mixture. Scots pine and beech samples were dipped or impregnated with the mixture and subsequently scanned. Both silicon and bromine were easily detectable with both techniques. Dipped siloxanes/silanes covered the cell walls partly in beech and the lumen partly or completely in Scots pine. Impregnated siloxanes/silanes could be found in the cell walls of both wood species. From the results, it can be concluded that, under the circumstances as described in the article, impregnation with a siloxane is necessary to have cell wall penetration. The combination of scanning electron microscopy, energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy and micro-computed tomography can offer important information concerning the localization of certain products inside wood. While the last of these can monitor changes in 3D, the other two techniques can provide detailed 2D information. Both techniques are complementary and provide important extra information.

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