
In this paper, an automatic cell counting method under microscopy is proposed. The cell counting process can be performed in two ways: The manual counting in which a specialist counts the cells with naked eye, and the automatic counting that utilizes the computer-based techniques. In manual counting, there are several techniques for dying the cells to turn them visible with naked eye. However, if the concentration is more than normal the cells can overlap. Overlap and incorrect adjusted microscopy parameters are the main factors that cause inaccurate counting results. Furthermore, in manual counting inter-observer variability is high. Even though the same cell image is taken into account by the different specialist, different counting results can be obtained. Because of the above mentioned problems, the cell counting process must be performed automatically. The proposed automatic stem cell counting process is based on image processing techniques that appropriate the frame of method. At first, stem cell sections were obtained under the fluorescence microscopy. In the following pre-processing step Gaussian filtering and background extraction are performed. Before applying watershed algorithm histogram of the image is partitioned in to four parts and the best combination is determined to obtain the most exact counting results. The aim of using watershed algorithm is to make the boundaries and maximum points of the cells more clear. Finally, spherical contours corresponding to the stem cells are counted. The effectiveness of the proposed method is evaluated by performing numerous computer simulations. It is shown that the proposed method gives promising results and can eliminate the subjectivity originated from the manual counting. The method is tested on a database contains two image groups at different noise levels validated by the specialists.

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