
Single-photon detectors1 at near-infrared wavelengths with high system detection efficiency (>90%), low dark count rate (<1 c.p.s.), low timing jitter (<100 ps) and short reset time (<100 ns) would enable landmark experiments in a variety of fields2,3,4,5,6. Although some of the existing approaches to single-photon detection fulfil one or two of the above specifications1, to date, no detector has met all of the specifications simultaneously. Here, we report on a fibre-coupled single-photon detection system that uses superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors7 and closely approaches the ideal performance of single-photon detectors. Our detector system has a system detection efficiency (including optical coupling losses) greater than 90% in the wavelength range λ = 1,520–1,610 nm, with a device dark count rate (measured with the device shielded from any background radiation) of ∼1 c.p.s., timing jitter of ∼150 ps full-width at half-maximum (FWHM) and reset time of 40 ns. Researchers develop a fiber-coupled single-photon-detection system using amorphous tungsten silicide superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors. The system detection efficiency is higher than 90% in the wavelength range between 1520 nm and 1610 nm. The device dark-count rate, timing jitter and reset time are 1 cps, 150 ps and 40 ns, respectively.

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