
Using remote sensing data, here we study lineament system changes during preparation and process of strong 7.1 and 6.4 earthquakes in California (USA) in July 2019. A series of satellite imagery collected between January 1 and August 12, 2019, as well as the data on the seismic situation in the region have been analyzed. Precursor changes of lineament systems were revealed in rose-diagrams of regional lineaments and in total length of local lineaments of various orientations. Sharp change of quantitative characteristics of lineament rose-diagrams appeared beginning from June 5, 2019, i. e. a month before the earthquakes occurred on July 4 and 5, 2019. It has been found that maximum length of lineaments of north-western (longitudinal) and north-eastern (latitudinal) courses was on June 30, 2019, i. e. several days before seismic events.

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