
Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) have shown rapid development in recent years, allowing learners to access high-quality digital material. Because of facilitated learning and the flexibility of the teaching environment, the number of participants is rapidly growing. However, extensive research reports that the high attrition rate and low completion rate are major concerns. In this paper, the early identification of students who are at risk of withdrew and failure is provided. Therefore, two models are constructed namely at-risk student model and learning achievement model. The models have the potential to detect the students who are in danger of failing and withdrawal at the early stage of the online course. The result reveals that all classifiers gain good accuracy across both models, the highest performance yield by GBM with the value of 0.894, 0.952 for first, second model respectively, while RF yield the value of 0.866, in at-risk student framework achieved the lowest accuracy. The proposed frameworks can be used to assist instructors in delivering intensive intervention support to at-risk students.


  • The use of Information Communication Technology (ICT) has become widespread and plays a vital role in education

  • The recent boom in ICT has led to an increase in the growth of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) in higher education

  • The results show that the optimized feature sub-set includes student behavioural features in the spring semester courses, i.e., ‘‘ndays_act’’, ‘‘Nevent’’, ‘‘nplay_video’’, and ‘‘Nchapters’’, in addition to the student motivational status in the fall semester courses

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The use of Information Communication Technology (ICT) has become widespread and plays a vital role in education. ICT has contributed to the support of the academic curriculum and allows for the creation of a virtual classroom. ICT could improve student outcomes and enables instructors to aid students in solving exercises. High-quality teaching could be delivered through virtual learning [1]. The recent boom in ICT has led to an increase in the growth of Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) in higher education. MOOCs provide a variety of multimedia tools to deliver an interactive learning environment. MOOCs offer valuable digital learning resources, allowing students to access information from all over the world [2]

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