
The detection of synthetic cannabinoids represents a huge challenge for Forensic Toxicology, due to the great variety of structures, the difficulty in obtaining analytical standardsand the need for constant updating of methodology and spectral libraries. However, thecombination of spectroscopic and spectrometric techniques allows, respecting international quality recommendations, the obtention of an analytical result that makes it possibleto establish the presence of substances of this pharmaceutical class. The purpose of thisstudy is to present a case report of a stamp that was sent to the Narcotics ExaminationCenter of the Superintendence of the Technical and Scientific Police of the State of SaoPaulo for analysis. For this purpose, the suspicious material was extracted with methanoland gas chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry was applied, with concomitant analysis by the Spectroscopy technique in the Infrared region with Fourier Transform.The analysis by Mass Spectrometry, after separation by gas chromatography, and by Spectroscopy in the Infrared region with Fourier Transform allowed the identification of thesubstance 5F-MDMB-PICA, with a good match percentage in both techniques. The use ofa combination of spectroscopic and spectrometric techniques, combined with separationtechniques, are sufficient tools for the detection, within international standards, of proscribed substances belonging to the group of synthetic cannabinoids.

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